Thank you for this year!
Hi! SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! It’s beautiful out there! How are you doing? I want to say thank you to you all for making my year… Read More »Thank you for this year!
Hi! SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! It’s beautiful out there! How are you doing? I want to say thank you to you all for making my year… Read More »Thank you for this year!
Hello! 昨日の梅花幼稚園でのレッスンでは、The Three Little Pigsを読み聞かせしました。みんなで元気よく歌いながらオオカミに質問もできましたね!Good job everybody!
Hello! 梅花幼稚園レッスン、今日もみんなよく集中して取り組んでくれました!Thank you! 秋の英検ジュニアクラスもよく頑張りました〜!Good job! 暑さも和らぎ、少し過ごしやすくなりましたね!皆さんPlease take care!